Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy New Year

Rosh Hoshanah begins tonight. Sporadically we've celebrated with my mother-in-law, who served apples and honey, to start the year off sweet, not because that's how they did when she was a girl, or when she had children, but because that's the way she heard it's done in this country. Traditions are an interesting thing. Sometimes they're more about who we think we're supposed to be.

I asked my daughter what food did she want to celebrate the new year with? Her response: apples and honey, and matzoh ball soup. The forecast is for 100 degrees today.

Besides chilly weather, for a great soup there are two secrets: home made stock and chicken fat in place of vegetable oil in your matzoh balls. Other than that, the standard recipe on the box should do.

Mix one teaspoon of salt into one half cup matzoh meal. Crack two eggs, blend slightly add two tablespoons of melted chicken fat; mix. Add two tablespoons stock. Mix into the matzoh meal and let sit for fifteen minutes.

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Shape the meal into balls. They will expand, shape them into the size you prefer. I like golf balls, some people seem to enjoy basket balls. Place formed balls into the simmering water, cook on low for 50 minutes.

Transfer gently to hot stock. Serve.

Like egg creams and chopped liver, unless you've been raised on it, this is an acquired taste.


  1. Ok. Now let's talk chicken fat. How exactly does one melt chicken fat? And what chicken fat are we talking about? Skin?

  2. Can we skim the fat off the top of our homemade chicken stock?

    I LOVE matzoh ball soup. It was a staple of Baltimore deli's, where I grew up (in Baltimore, not the delis....)

  3. MMM. Interesting. I have to try it. Even if for me "transfer gently" is hard :( Grazie Desiree.

  4. Thanks, I-
    L-Yes, of course, skim away! I've been spoiled by East Coast delis, too. Nothing here to compare. M--Okay, another post!

  5. Do you really think egg creams are an acquired taste? Only if you also think root beer floats are. I took to both immediately.

  6. A good reason to eat. What year is it??

  7. S:speaking in general terms--
    CO: 5770, thanks for asking!
