Friday, August 14, 2009


The weekends,
even in the summer, can be filled with calm-shattering tasks: window washing, laundry, groceries, etc, etc.

But it's the very middle of August, and this weekend I plan on heading out for some music at the park, passing on the Michael Jackson tribute, but showing up for the guitar fusion. On Sunday I aim to pack up the family in the afternoon and head to Bolsa Chica State Beach, and stay for the sunset. I must do this before the state budget closes or sells off our public treasures.

What to pack, what to pack, what to pack?

Right now I'm feeling rather retro. My favorite beach menu is what I grew up on: tuna salad on white rolls, carrots, Doritos and soda. All salty and crunchy to compliment the sand and sea air. How about you?
What works best at the beach?

Oh, if you really really need a tuna salad recipe, here's one:

Per can of tuna add and mix in the following:

1/3 cup diced celery
1 tblsp minced onion
a squeeze of lemon juice
a teaspoon of Dijon mustard
one diced hard boiled egg
mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

Want to pretend this is part of a tapas menu? Serve a dollop on a potato chip. How fun (read silly, slightly pretentious, but still delicious) is that?


  1. And if you want to be really "fun," then make your own potato chips, which is what I did yesterday afternoon.

    Enjoy the beach, sunset and picnic. Don't forget the Rose.

  2. That would indeed elevate the menu!

  3. This is a perfect recipe for tuna salad. No pickle relish! I never understood pickle relish in egg, chicken and tuna salad.

  4. Monday is knocking on your kitchen door.

  5. Desiree, in Italy now is 13h14 and I'm watching at your blog. HO FAME!!!!!!!!
    I will do your recipe today!
