Monday, August 20, 2012


is the title of Ed McBain's 39th novel set in the 87th precinct.  I've immersed myself in the hardboiled world, in order to keep my wits in this heat.

Plot and character driven, this series is a classic. What always impresses and surprises me is how emotionally engaging his stories are.

Why the photo?  It's a clue as to which poison is used.

Where is your book mark these days?


  1. Curious: do you like the work of James Ellroy?

  2. I have made a biased snap judgement against him--sight unread. What do you think about him? Should I give it a go?

  3. I can't stand Ellroy. What a hypocrite and creep. He hides behind detective fiction so he can indulge in his obsession with the torture of women and describe it in loving detail. Of course, this is only based on one book, a book I didn't finish.

  4. Aha, AH--I knew there was a reason--that and his mother issues...

  5. I am currently slogging through Tropic of Cancer (a book club pick - don't ask). Yes, I can appreciate the fine writing, but I'm a tad partial to plot, damn it!

    Next up: The Art of Fielding, which Steve has raved about. When he finishes a novel, and loves it, I listen because that is a rarity.

  6. Karen: Will have to check out Art...I did try Cloud Atlas, again, but faltered. Did you know they're making a movie out of it?!?
    Hello Intergarlictica!
    PA: Both Humor and Drama depend on the unexpected.You've got them both nailed.

  7. I am reading a YA novel my daughter is making me read. I won't name it because I think it is pretty lame.

  8. I just finished "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. Suffice it to say it deserves every bit of the praise it's been getting. Her forgiving take on her one-time immaturity makes a terrific memoir.

    Now I'm reading Alice La Plante's "Turn of Mind," a novel told from the POV of a woman with Alzheimer's. I'm about a third of the way through. Excellent, so far. Characters, plot, mystery, the whole shmear, even though this woman can't remember stuff. Or maybe because she can't. Very well done.

  9. P and M get bonus points for addressing the theme! M--off line I look forward to hearing which title-P--thanks for the recommendations!

  10. Karen, I love Tropic of Cancer. Then again, I don't much like plots.
