Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dr. Drew Shameless Shill

Yes, people die, people die in required surgery, people die from elective surgery. But the lap band deaths display an incredible disregard to medical procedures, monitoring and follow up.  The industry preys on those who face our cultural opprobrium of obesity--and I feel for people who think this operation is their salvation.

Dr Drew currently promotes it on radio ads.  What I want to know, doc, is would you really recommend it to someone you loved?


  1. Smarmy of you Dr Drew

    I did a post somewhat related to the subject

    check it out here

  2. Thanks for the link, and the great post! One day you will have to give me an inservice on Eduardo Galeano--

  3. He really does? I always have to change the channel when these ads come on, I can't stand to hear it. I find the whole concept horrific. This is tragic.

  4. He really does. I used to think he was pretty keen--no longer.

  5. If I'm not mistaken, they're now lobbying to allow this surgery to be performed on children.

  6. Some kids get their noses fixed, their chins, etc at young ages--their parents encourage it and pay for it.
