Friday, June 26, 2009

Splitsville, USA

Love is no longer in the air.
Forget about Jon and Kate, Sandra Tsing Loh, who's had her finger on LA's cultural pulse for over a decade now, has announced the end of her marriage in the Atlantic Monthly. In my circle of friends during the past year there have been three divorces and another one within my family. I will miss my sister-in-law, we shared many a bottle of champagne together. Sigh.

So what do you say to the recently unbetrothed? Congratulations or condolences?

A recommended menu of items which neatly balance the two:

Champagne cocktail: add sugar and a dash of bitters to your glass of champagne.

Hard-boiled egg in salt water (ever celebrate Passover? The salt water represents salty tears.)

Oaxacan mole (all that prep and sweat will make you forget your troubles)

End your meal with a pound of the best damn bittersweet chocolate you can afford.


  1. I"ll drink to that! In particular the libra de chocolates. Maga

  2. Don't you feel like Loh kind of cheated on you, too? All those Loh Lifes on KPCC on her stable, albeit sometimes frazzled, family?

  3. I think that's why her break up has gotten so much coverage--

  4. It is sad to watch marriages end - good menu to go with it. And, I agree with Margaret that I do feel a little cheated on . . . I thought I knew her.
