Friday, January 8, 2010

Of moles and pozoles

The other day I made pollo en mole verde, which, among other things, includes sesame and pumpkin seeds, romaine, swiss chard, cilantro, parsley and on and on and on. Diana Kennedy says it's mole for aficionados. An hour later, after the chopping, grinding, pureeing, stirring, it was done, and I loved it. My children looked at it like something emerging from a toxic waste dump.


This pozole recipe is from my grandmother, a Mexican American version, simple and uncomplicated. (One day I'll have to try my hand at that wonderful stuff they serve in New Mexico. ) My kids actually enjoy this version, and I hope you will, too.

Cover a cut up chicken and a pound of pork neck bones (optional, for the squeamish) with water, along with a sliced onion and a couple of peeled garlic cloves for flavor and simmer until tender, along with a drained can of hominy (small or large can, your choice). An hour on a low simmer should do it. Salt the broth to taste. Ladle into bowls. Garnish with lemons, oregano, sliced radishes and lots of sliced cabbage.

The secret here is the pork which adds a depth to the broth, and the crunch of the raw vegetables against the hot soup.


  1. I love pozole and make a version that's more San Marino than San Miquel (uses lean pork instead of the pork shoulder). But now I'm a convert to the flavor of the shoulder and need to try to make it again. But, hey, no hominy?

  2. Well spotted, Susan!
    Thanks for pointing that out, and I have amended.

  3. I've tried the French Mex version of Pozole at Europane. Not bad.

    And, I gotta try that el pollo loco en mole verde!
    ("No clilantro, please!!") The most overrated herb on this green earth.

  4. CO- The Rombauers of the Joy of Cooking would agree with you. They refer to cilantro's flavor as slightly "fetid."

  5. Is that the cookbook which looks more like a college textbook than most school books!?

  6. I'll take mine hominy-free.
