After listening to that piece, I felt a bit lighter. No wonder I could be a rational human being at the work place, and totally devolve at home. Too much reason apparently burns itself out.
Bring on the Chocolate Cake!
Chocolate cake,
Chocolate cake
that's the one
I'll help you bake
Flour soda salt
are sifted
butter sugar
cocoa lifted
by the eggs
then mix the whole
grease the pans
I'll lick the bowl
Chocolate caked
chocolate caked,
that's what I'll be
when it's baked.
---Nina Payne
Chocolate cake
that's the one
I'll help you bake
Flour soda salt
are sifted
butter sugar
cocoa lifted
by the eggs
then mix the whole
grease the pans
I'll lick the bowl
Chocolate caked
chocolate caked,
that's what I'll be
when it's baked.
---Nina Payne