I met Marcella Hazan through a book club, remember those? Four books for a $1? Then more formally at an estate sale. Apparently the recently deceased had never opened the pages of Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking. I paid a quarter, and went off, pleased with myself.
Gentle reader, her recipes are timeless, explicit, and surprising. Last night in her honor I made her mixed salad.
To start, I sliced half a red onion, and let it soak in cold water. She does require lettuce that I don't know where to buy: lamb's ears, chicory or escarole. I settled for what was on hand: arugula and romaine. Per her directions, I diced half a red pepper, substituted a diced celery rib for celery heart, grated a hearty peeled carrot, and diced a tomato. She also asks for half a fennel bulb and an artichoke heart, but I wasn't up to a shopping trip. I made do. I added half an avocado that was wandering about. I drained the red onion.
In a salad bowl I mixed it all the vegetables together, then salted them well. I shook some red wine vinegar over it, then added a glug or so of olive oil. I mixed again.
So fresh, so delightful, or, as she says: "There is just enough, so that what is missing from one mouthful of salad is suddenly and delightfully present in the next."